Cryptocurrency is exploding at an incredible pace, with people all around the world investing millions of dollars in it. Even if it is still in its early stages, blockchain has attracted a number of large corporations to participate in it, including one of the fastest expanding industries, gaming!
Game developers are paying close attention to this modern and emerging currency, attempting to figure out how to use it to replace in-game trade or even to purchase and sell goods in the game. One of the early titles out there claiming its space in this new genre is, Farsite.
What is Farsite?
Farsite is a browser-based MMO RTS title, set in the vast space following the events of apocalypse. The players are onto the mission to find a planet to setup their base in this vast decentralized universe, where the players can trade their NFT items out in the open market.
Be who you want
Farsite offers you plenty of choices when it comes to roles, you can become anything you want, with 9 roles to choose from being it a miner that mines and gathers resources to sell, or become a manufacturer to craft up items from ships, modules, or even rare items to sell at an extraordinary profit. This definitely makes for great gameplay with refreshing perspectives that don’t let you get bored out.
Long way to go…
The game is still in early alpha and the developers are working around the clock to add more content to the game such as new corporations, stations and more game seasons. And with the currently active Airdrop Campaign, the players can collect some rare item from the daily airdrop. The player can choose to use the item or trade it for some hefty profit on the open market. Although, player would first have to apply to take part in the campaign, learn more about airdrop campaign on the official site to get started!